Windsor-Severance Fire Rescue

Fire Department
24 Hours a Day - 7 Days a weekAdministrative Office - Monday thru Friday 8am to 5pm.
About Us
WSFR provides fire and rescue services to the towns of Windsor and Severance as part of the 110 square mile area it protects. They employ 80 firefighters utilizing full-time, part-time and volunteer staffing.
WSFR has three fire stations that are staffed 24/7. Station 1 is located in downtown Windsor at 100 7th Street and serves as the departments headquarters. Station 2 is located at 209 1st St. in Severance. A new Station 2 is projected to open in early 2014 and will be located at the intersection of Timber Ridge Parkway and Scotch Pine Drive. Station 3 is located at 7790 REA Parkway in west Windsor. A fire museum which features two of WSFRs antique fire trucks and an array of items from WSFRs past is located at 121 6th Street in the museum district of Windsors Boardwalk Park.
WSFR is an all-hazards organization. It handles fires, emergency medical services, hazardous materials response, specialized rescue and wildland firefighting. Fire prevention is heavily promoted through business inspections, school presentations, carbon monoxide and fire detector programs and proactive relationships with town and county officials.
Mutual aid and automatic aid agreements with surrounding fire agencies ensures a high level of resources are available for all types of events.